Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Anyone for some orange Cok????

Seems like this thirsty member of the press hordes has a liking for a bit of orange cok!!!!

It is all getting a bit much now, and it's only day 3. One more full day to go and then we can start skipping bits and bunking of........but we did that already. Oh well. Never mind.

The crowds are also starting to really arrive now. Some of of the less, how should we put, "polite and clean" members of the press corps are now here and the heat in the press centre has gone up a few notches. I guess air freshener is called for tomorrow...

Another arrival was young FILLLLLIIIIPPPPPEEEEEE Kikirov, resplendent in the latest fashion mistakes and swishing around like he owns the place....hang on maybe he does......most things in this country can be bought if you have enough roubles. I did have a quick chat with him and he did seem genuinely concerned that we were have a good time.....we will be when Euroclub finally opens it's doors tonight 'cos it's free drinks (via the dreaded token system) for the first 3 and then most people seem to have decided to go to Eurocafe afterward.

Will let you know tomorrow what it was all like

And so for todays glamourous, or not so glamourous as the case maybe, ESC happenings.

Solvakia. So they came back after lord knows how many years away and this is what they inflict on us.

Utter tripe of the highest order.

I only managed to stay in the arena for one run through 'cos I was bored witless and Daniel didn't even get as far as the arena. We both nodded of during the oh so exciting press conference and if it hadn't been for Denmark straight after we would both have gone home.....

The lovely Mr Brink seemed to be the guy with the most sound check problems in the universe. This and that was being tweeked, replayed, toned down, toned up, softened, checked again and finally my new friends from ESCNATION, Spellina and Sapasiba, shouted some Russian swear words at him and he finally appeared on stage.

S+S are quite feisty and are getting a bit of a name around the press centre with their antics. I'm sure they left their knickers somewhere last night 'cos Spasiba lifted her skirt today and not much was left to the imagination.

Anyway back to Denmark....well polished when he eventually got going and me thinks it could be in with a good chance of qualifying, after that who knows?

Such a little cutie.....with a face you just wanna slap....only kidding. He was a very nice guy, conducts himself well and gave a convincing performance today......

Something, and I can't put my finger on it, is still niggling me about this and I'm not so sure now that it is the dead cert that everybody seems to think it is.
I guess only time will tell

He needed another picture 'cos he a sweetie.....

This was a horror story from start to finish.....nothing more needs to be said.

What were they thinking with those white boxes??????????

Missy from Poland was also a very nice person......and comfirmed the fact that she is in fact a woman at her press conference. I didn't know that there were doubts in that department......still it is good to know she has all the correct bit and pieces to make her a woman..

Very ropey vocal at the start but towards the end she got better.....and the first appearence this year of ballet...well we are in Russia so someone had to do a bit of a swan lake number at some point...

That's gotta hurt......if she does this on the night and she has a short skirt on expect gasps of horror from the assorted fans and dignitaries in the front few rows. And she dosen't just it once Miss Serbia.....she does it lots and lots and lots.........

This man is a god in my eyes....a rival with me for stupid haircuts, and not a bad shimmy-er to boot. Get boot....shoe....boot...shoe....no? Oh well never mind.

That said I am not so sure that Serbia will make it to the final now but that might not be a bad thing 'cos I don't want it to steal votes from BiH anyway.

In Moscow the traffic jams are quite big and bad and ugly.......so's this piece of nothingness. But he saved himself 'cos he was quite funny at his press conference...I just can't remember anything that he said....LOL

We refuse to discuss Ireland out of loyalty......the one thing we can say is that the lighting suits this song perfectly and they have obviously been working hard on the vocals......we will you decide if they have worked hard enough

And finally the new sex-god of the competition, Mr Igor from Croatia.
We were both pleasantly surprised with this, expecting a disaster of epic proportions with what is actually not a bad folksy kinda song. Expected disaster didn't happen, he performed well, audience kinda liked it.......probably go to the final now.......that's the kiss of death from us then

Thats all for today folks.....Euroclub opens its doors tonight and it's a kinda free bar so gonna make the most of it.

Hugs and Moscow handshakes from us 2


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