Speaking of fun and games.....accreditation queue was approx 3 hours today and it's not even that busy here yet.....and to cap it all we got the worst press bag in the history of the contest, some piece of polyester naffness that won't even close. Guess who has to buy a rucksack tomorrow for all the goodies
And so day one of rehearsals......but wait we went out last night......what are we doing up and at the arena so early you say. Well we were good boys and were home and tucked up in bed by 2a.m. Not for us the AKOE boys style-ie night out.....they were the bad boys last night. But don't worry normal will be resumed tonight when we venture to euroclub.
Next up........my fav and fast becoming Daniel's too is the Swiss entry. Very very very nicely staged backdrop wise, vocal a bit ropey but who cares 'cos this is simply one of the best songs this year and the guys seemed to appreciate my comparing them to New Order in the press conference.....let's hope we see more of these guys as for me, at least, they are a breath of fresh air this year. Watch out of the fab shots of (?swiss) mountains when the show goes out. This looks amazing in the hall...
And the sisters........generally agreed that this is far better now than on the National Final. Bu tit is such a weird sounding song that I really don't know how it will do.....more on this at second rehearsal....but defo one to watch
Ah lovely Andorra. Year in year out they come back and still don't qualify. Me thinks that the same thing is gonna happen this year.....whoops did I just say that out loud.....
As many swedish friends and Swedish supporters read this blog I better be kind. Okay. I'll try. Well she changed the male backing singers to female and that worked better BUT this is going to struggle. Her voice seems perfect for opera and then it all goes a bit ropey when the "normal" vocal starts.....she may be holding back but we will just have to wait and see.
HOWEVER......the dress is fan-bloody-tastic.....and she does look good on stage...obviously a professional and just a bit out of her comfort zone at the ESC
Just love this picture and had to share it with you....shame about the song really. Daniel loves it and how it is staged but as he's in the shower getting ready to go out I can just say what I like HA HA HA HA HA HA...
Errrruuummmmm.....Belarus........yes.....well....no not really!!!!!
Actually this was the surprise of the day. Simply staged, well sung and no real dramas. Still has not got a hope in hell of getting to the final but that's life I suppose
We missed Montenegro 'cos we were in bed but here's a pretty picture of her anyway. I'm sure the other blogs will keep you upto speed with her performance...
Oh how did that picture get in there.....MR Press conference host.....with the most we might add. Funny there was a long queue of men waiting to take his photo.....wonder why
That#s all for today folks 'cos I have to get ready to go to the Euroclub......now where's my Jack Daniel's and coke.......
Fun to read about what is going on over there. Have fun at Euroclub. I'm very interested in what kind of music they will play over there.... Lilian