Monday, 4 May 2009

Despite asking the rather lovely volunteers at the press centre what time Euroclub opened we found to our horror that after walking for all of 10 minutes to the place it was closed.

No problem I hear you ask.....just wait until it opens. Sure thing. But as it doesn't open until tomorrow night we might look a bit stupid standing in a queue for that long. Though that didn't seem to bother the accreditation management.

So all dressed up with nowhere to go....oh well home to bed for us.....with about half a bottle of Jack Daniel's each.

We we woke up at 9 am the thought of doing the Metro in rush hour was just too much for us so we took an executive decision and canceled this morning's least in our world anyway.

We are being very slack this year. It's only day 2 and we are skiving of already.


1 comment:

  1. By 9-00 the rush hour is over, guys. Your better-stay-home hours should be 07:30-08:30 and 18:30-20:00, I suppose:)
