There was just one problem with season started last night with first blood going to Belarus. For the last few years Belarus seems to spend lots of money on promotion and this year is no exception. First there were great press packs, then free ice-cream in the press centre, and then they host the first party. And finally when you left the party there were free bottles of vodka for everyone.
Young Petr is a bit of a sweetie to be honest and we have developed a bit of a soft spot for him over the last few days. Most people seem to think that his song will qualify as well now. Not too sure myself but there is the point that at least one of the eastern block is going to clean up with the televotes and this could be it.
And so on to the party. As ESC parties go it was very traditional party. Lots of people milling around hunting down little silver disks, various delegations looking a bit lost and free drink. We tried to get into the bit where there was food, but even waving madly at Fillllllleeeeeeppppppp Kikirov wasn't going to get us into that section of the EuroDom. This is probably why I feel so rough today....didn't really eat all day yesterday and then straight onto the local beer.
To cap it all it's the Turkish Party tonight and we will have to do it all over's tough
Then it was on with the show, various performers and countries crossed the glittering stage of the EuroDom and to be honest they all sounded fairly good until you found out that everybody, except for Sascha-just call me Dimitri-Son. Good for him, the sweetie of the contest and the only one brave enough not to mime at EuroDom.
So just gonna leave you with a few pictures to give you a flavour of the party.....
Ready......steady......and go
Tight black jeans, funky t-shirts and big Bon-Jovi hair.....has to be Macedonia
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